Types of Careers
The future is yours and the options are endless. Doing your homework about the types of careers that exist before you even decide on your program might even influence your choice of what to study. Explore the wide variety of career paths that can lead to Montana careers.
Make Your Career Work for You

High-Demand, Undersupplied Jobs in Montana
Undersupplied jobs mean that there aren’t enough qualifying graduates coming out of Montana schools to fill the needs of employers in the state. That means that graduates who are qualified for these roles are in high-demand, and will likely have a much easier time finding work. If you’re looking for a degree program that will help you a career in Montana after graduation, consider choosing a program leading to one of these careers:
Montana Careers Projected for Growth
Find High-Income Careers
Your education is an investment in your future. The program you choose can seriously impact your future earning power, and that earning power means you can make back the money you spent on tuition in no time at all. Regardless of what type of college you chose to attend, if you value having a high-paying career, consider the following Career Pathways:

Getting a shorter education at a two-year college doesn’t mean you can’t find a high-income career. In fact, there are a number of associate and certificate programs with above-average wage earnings.