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Online Classes

Online learning has been exploding across the world. By taking online courses, you own your learning environment. You can learn within a setting that works best for you by studying in a time and place of your choosing. The Montana University System has made it easy for you to find online courses available in a wide variety of colleges & universities across Montana. Don’t wait on gaining the skills you need to take your next step!

A Convenient Way to Learn

Will Heward
The ability to complete my program entirely online while I balance work, internships, baseball, and other extracurricular activities has been a huge perk and blessing. The combination of experience and intelligence gained from this program is second to none.
Will Heward
MSU Billings, Public Relations MS ‘20

Online Degrees in Montana

Want to find an online degree that will give you what you need to succeed in Montana? Visit the distance learning sites below to find a comprehensive list of online courses at MUS institutions.

MSU-Bozeman Great Falls College MSU
MSU-Billings MSU-Northern
UM-Missoula UM-Western
Montana Tech Helena College
Dawson Community College Miles Community College
Flathead Valley Community College  


Access School Where You Want, When You Want

Online courses offer flexibility — on your time, in a location that is suitable for you to learn in — that in-person courses just can’t offer.
of all students across Montana are now distance learners in some capacity
unique online courses offered across MUS colleges & universities
fully online programs offered across MUS colleges & universities