City College at Montana State University Billings
City College at Montana State University Billings is dedicated to strengthening our regional workforce. By providing top quality learning
opportunities and services to meet a variety of career choices and customer needs,
City College is responsive, flexible and market-driven.
See What's Happening
City College's Workforce Training Center offers non-credit and custom training to communicate and industry partners both on-campus
or on-site with courses including nursing, paralegal studies, welding, healthcare
and more.
Jacket Student Central provides students with support services and resources to ensure their success at City
City College at MSU Billings provides individuals with training (or re-training) as a pathway to obtaining excellent "in demand" opportunities. Graduates go on to have successful careers within the local community.
Quick Links
Are you ready to take the next steps? Use these resources to explore the City College
at Montana State University Billings website.
Learn about the variety of degree, certificate and training programs at City College.
Want to know more about the admissions process? Use these quick links to find enrollment-related information.
Get to know what student life is like on campus and the services available to support
the educational and professional goals of City College students.
Strong Skills. High Value.
With starting salaries nearly $6,000 more than any other two-year school in the state,
City College grads are set up to succeed once they graduate.
City College was right for me because it is close to home and has a very reasonable
cost of attendance and high-quality professors who strive to provide me with a strong
foundational knowledge — and the skills necessary to be competent and successful in
the workforce.
Benton Asbury
Welding & Metal Fabrication
Ready to Succeed
job placement rate
associate degree programs
average starting salary
Contact Information
Have any questions or need help on anything? The Montana University System and the
team at MSU Billings are on standby ready to help in any way you need.
Montana University System
Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education
560 N. Park Ave.
PO Box 203201
Helena, MT 59620-3201
General Info: (406) 449-9124
Staff Directory
3803 Central Avenue
Billings, Montana 59102
Phone: (406) 247-3000
Fax: (406) 756-3815
Email: CCadmissions@msubillings.edu
Billings, Montana 59102
Phone: (406) 247-3000
Fax: (406) 756-3815
Email: CCadmissions@msubillings.edu