Montana Professional Student Exchange Programs (PSEP)
General Information
Residents of Montana can apply to various professional programs within the WICHE region in specific fields of study. The large WICHE network of participating programs greatly expands the number of schools available to Montana residents. For example, Montanans have the opportunity to apply to 14 dental schools; 16 medical schools; 16 occupational therapy programs; 4 optometry schools; 8 osteopathic schools; 3 podiatry programs; and 4 veterinary medicine programs. WICHE PSEP students receive preference in admission and if selected for funding, pay reduced levels of tuition.
Montana has been sending students to professional programs through WICHE PSEP since 1953 and supports an average of 80 professional students annually in the fields of dentistry, medicine, occupational therapy, optometry, osteopathic medicine, podiatry and veterinary medicine.
Application and Certification Information
All applications are processed and managed through the Award Montana Portal. While the certification requirements are the same for all four programs, it is in your best interest to apply for certification early rather than waiting until the certification deadlines.The number of Montana students funded through these programs is determined by Legislative appropriation. Exchange students may receive some preference in admission and if awarded state funding, will pay reduced levels of tuition; generally resident tuition at public institutions or reduced standard tuition at private schools.
Professional Exchange Programs Available
Montana currently participates in five Professional Student Exchange Programs. Continued state participation in these programs is subject to ongoing approval and appropriation by the Montana Legislature, who may, at any time, modify the programs and support levels. Support awards are very competitive and state funding levels are generally not sufficient to support all qualified applicants. Students who do not receive the state support will not qualify for the reduced tuition rates if admitted.
- WICHE healthcare fields currently supported include medicine, osteopathic medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, optometry, occupational therapy, and podiatry
- The WWAMI program is specific to the field of medicine
- ICOM is dedicated to training high-quality osteopathic physicians prepared to care for people in the Mountain West region and beyond with an emphasis on rural, undeserved areas
- The Minnesota Dental Program is a dental education program only
- The WIMU program is specific to veterinary medicine
Contact Award Montana
If you have questions about any of the application materials or the certification process, please contact our office. Don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Email: AwardMontana@montana.edu
Phone: 1-800-537-7508