Preparing For College By Grade
Preparing for college — just like studying for any test — requires thinking ahead and making sure you do the prep work so you’re ready when the big day comes. Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start.
That’s why we offer a number of useful programs to help with your school studies while preparing you for the career of your dreams. On top of that, we’ve created guides that you can follow each year to make sure you’re on track to thrive after high school. Follow along and find the right school for you when all is said and done.Think Ahead With Dual Enrollment
Resources By Grade

Providing Support. Increasing Opportunity.
See What College Can Do For You
Education is the key to improving our lives and the lives of those around us. No matter the situation you may be living in, make sure you familiarize yourself with certain programs offered by the Montana University System designed to help you overcome obstacles with your current middle school/high school education and to prepare you for the life ahead.
Knowledge is true power so make sure you explore highly useful programs that may be on offer at your school!
Montana GEAR UP partners with 18 middle schools & receiving high schools to give you a variety of tools to prepare you for college and work life. GEAR UP guides you on financial aid & dual enrollment, college applications, and more. It also offers mentoring, tutoring, and a variety of summer programs. Check to see if you attend a Montana GEAR UP school!
METS serves eligible students to complete high school and attend any college of choice. Receive valuable tutoring & guidance on middle/high school course election. Obtain career counseling. Learn how to apply for college financial aid & scholarships. Get help on ACT/SAT tests. Attend college tours & more!
See if you’re qualified for METS!