Millions of adults across the country successfully return to college, get a degree,
add to their career prospects, and improve income streams. There’s no reason for you
to hold back!
We understand you likely have many responsibilities to consider when making this decision,
among them marriage, children, current job positions, community obligations, and care
for older parents. These time commitments may make you hesitate. However, getting
an education in Montana today is much more flexible and caters exactly to these concerns.
This is why many MUS colleges and universities offer evening programs and online learning, to accommodate such concerns.
In addition, you may be concerned about not fitting in with the younger crowd and
more ‘traditional’ student. However, there are so many adults returning to college
today that they are not considered non-traditional anymore!
Recent numbers from the U.S. Department of Education clearly illustrate how adult students are the fastest growing educational demographic,
and these stats continue increasing.